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Guitar lessons in Edinburgh

Be a Lockdown Guitar Hero

Here we are for the first blog post for the new Guitar lessons in Edinburgh website, and It's a difficult time out there friends, with Covid-19 making the streets unsafe to roam, human contact has become a source of fear.

What do we do!?

Lockdown may be easing off, but it may be a long while before we return to our usual socializing selves. For many the result has been crushing boredom, a stagnant ennui one would do anything to escape. But for anyone reading this blog (presumably aspiring guitar players?) this should be an opportunity, a break from the rat race to finally have some time and maybe get friendly with the guitar.

With some dedication and practice, this could be YOU

Practice is THE perfect way to spend your time right now: it's inside, it's solitary and it's worthwhile (re-watching box sets of 'The Sopranos' might seem worthwhile, but it probably isn't). It's also a perfect opportunity to find an Edinburgh guitar teacher, without leaving your couch! (or the Sopranos). You can book online video lessons right here and get some structure to not only your guitar playing, but perhaps some incentive to spend your time during lockdown more effectively. When we all look back on this time we can either boast that we made it all the way to the end of season 6, or we can start building habits of learning a skill that we can enjoy and be proud of for a lifetime.

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